

an evening length, original performance by tbd. dance collective as part of KANEKO’S “Passion & Obsession: From the Collection” exhibition

Premiere Date: April 15, 2017

Run Time: 45 minutes

Dancers: Kyan Doubet, Kat Fackler, Maggie Fleita, Stephanie Huettner, Kara Gillmore, Emily Jordan, Alyssa Rivera, Kim Sernett, Annie Schenzel, Lauren Wichert

Musicians: Lori Reckling and Closeness

Lighting Design: Nik Fackler

Lighting Provided by FadeUp Design Group

Photographs by: Ben Semisch, courtesy of Kaneko



Why do we collect and consume art?

Where does obsession originate in the mind?

Can something intangible be collected?

tbd. created an original performance exploring the idea of movement as an intangible collection, able to be viewed, but only truly stored in the mind. Through movement, lighting, and sound, tbd. transformed the performance space into the mind of the artist. Within this new space, the audience observed the artist firsthand as they obsessively consume and recall movement in an attempt to build an intangible collection.



Sound + Music Collaborators

During the entrance section of the performance, tbd. descended a large staircase, toward to audience, to live gong accompaniment by Lori Reckling, who is a local Omaha musician and performer. In the second part of the performance, Closeness played lived from their EP Personality Therapy, while tbd. dance in the large Box Truss gallery at the KANEKO.