Location 1 | Chalco Hills Recreation Area

Performed September 16, 2020

Directed by Kat Fackler

Images by Ben Semisch

The first location within the pavement series was at Chalco Hills Recreation Area in Gretna, NE. tbd. received permission from Papio-Missouri River Natural Resources District to perform at this location. The installation was 20 minutes in length with no music except for the sounds of Hwy 370, wind, insects, and the crumbling gravel and concrete of the dam as the dancers moved around. The performance began with dancers walking across the steps, ending in a staggered diagonal line spanning the length of the dam. They began a sequence of ritualistic movements repeated in unison several times before breaking into improvisation created in response to the physical structure and tall grasses. The group reunited with flocking movement loosely inspired by the habits + patterns of the nearby geese, and finished with a final set of gestures by the water.

View excerpts of this performance in the video below:



Kyan Doubet, Kat Fackler, Kara Gillmore, Stephanie Huettner, Shaquire Jones, Jenn Nicholson, Alyssa Rivera, Annie Schenzel, Lauren Wichert
